Lake Powell to Ban PWCs
"This news is not
surprising. Many members of the BlueRibbon Lake Powell PWC Task
Force have known that the schedule to complete the required
Environment Impact Statement (EIS) could not be met by the September
15th 2002 deadline! What is surprising is that the official
announcement came in an update, quietly posted to the Glen Canyon
National Recreation Area (Lake Powell) planning website! There was
no press release and not much addition information on the ban and
the EIS process have been made public.
What the website stated was simply ? Glen Canyon National Recreation
Area does not anticipate completing the special regulation and
environmental analysis by September 15, 2002. Therefore, Glen Canyon
National Recreation Area will close personal watercraft use on
September 15, 2002 and remain closed to personal watercraft use
until a regulation is finalized?
Your immediate question should be what can be done to stop this BAN?
The answer is visit the BlueRibbon Coalition website at
and click on the PWCs A Target Lake Powell Update. The most current
information on the access to Lake Powell and the PWC issue is there.
At the website you should join the Lake Powell Alert network. As a
member of the alert list you will be kept informed on the BAN. You
can also fill out a form letter to be forwarded to the Park Service
during the EIS comment period. It is very important that we are all
a part of the EIS comment period when it is announced!
In addition, you can call the BlueRibbon Office at 1-800-258-3742
and ask for Lori during office hours 9 to 5 mountain daylight time
Monday through Friday and request a PWC form letter comment kit
and/or request printed copies of the Lake Powell PWC Access updates.
The time is now to act if you want continued PWC access to Lake
Powell after September 15 2002. The decision to act is yours! Please
visit the website
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