A Few Facts About Personal Watercraft
Kristin Young, PWIA
Facts on personal watercraft:
 | A
1997 study in the Florida Keys found personal watercraft do
not harm
sea grass
beds or create significant water
 | Personal
watercraft manufacturers have gone to great lengths to
protect the environment, investing more than $1 billion in
technological advances since 1998 that have resulted in
cleaner, quieter and more efficient crafts.
Today's PWCs have 75% fewer emissions and
are up to 70% quieter than 1998 models.
 | Personal
watercraft and outboard motors use the same two-stroke
engine technology. The new technology being used on PWC
today, called direct injection, reduces emissions by 75%
over conventional outboard motors.
 | The
personal watercraft industry strongly advocates minimum
age requirements, mandatory boating education and
shoreline sound reduction legislation.
In fact, the personal watercraft industry supported
the 1996 boating education law in Florida which requires
all renters born after 1980 pass an examine before riding.
Since its passage, personal watercraft use has
increased 39% while accidents decreased by 22%.
 | Dedicated
to the well-being of our marine life and water safety, the
personal watercraft industry has loaned more than 11,000
personal watercraft to federal, state and local agencies
nationwide. In
Florida, more than 280 personal watercraft were donated to
state and local law enforcement officials.
These crafts have been used for saving lives,
patrolling, removing debris and saving endangered
wildlife. Personal
watercraft donated by the industry have been used to
patrol manatee habits to ensure boaters respect speed
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