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Petition Info.

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Our goal is to preserve PWCs on Lake George, NY, and in order to accomplish this task, we must amass numerous signatures online and off.  By submitting Lake George's official online petition form (located here), you are agreeing that PWCs, when used appropriately, are entirely safe.  You also agree that PWCs should be kept legal on all parts of Lake George, and that the present laws and codes are sufficient in keeping tabs on unlawful PWC users.

Your valued signature is immediately sent to Spencer Knox, the co-founder and president of this organization.  He analyzes and determines whether the signature has the following:  1.) complete data  2.) accurate information.  Once these terms have been met, your petition then goes on to the Lake George Park Commission (LGPC) to combat the increasing number of people petitioning against these watercraft.

If you would like to help our cause to preserve exciting and practical PWCs on Lake George, submit our petition here.  Thank you!

  Thanks to you, we now have over 210 official, authentic signatures to combat those who want to ban PWCs from Lake George.  Don't forget to ask your friends, family, and co-workers to visit our site!